Power 5 Jumpstart
Foundational fueling and wellness video trainings for athletes, coaches, & parents
The Power 5 Jumpstart is a series of 5 foundational video trainings that every athlete needs in order to optimally use their food as fuel and enhance performance. The one thing that separates elite athletes from every-day athletes is their relentless pursuit at getting better, both on the field and off. These 5 trainings outline everything you need to eat and do in order to make your food your number one performance enhancer. Athletes experience faster recovery times, less injury, more muscle growth and much more when they make nutrition a priority.
1-Performance Nutrition Decoded Training
Performance Nutrition Decoded PDF
Post Training 1 Review
2-Podium Power Products Training
Podium Power Products PDF
Post Training 2 Review
3-Fueling Fundamentals Training
Fueling Fundamentals PDF
Cooking Tasty Green Video
Post Training 3 Review
4-Foods that Kill Performance Training
Foods that Kill Performance PDF
Post training 4 review
5-Rest Your Best Training
Rest Your Best PDF
Post Training 5 Review